Tag: AI
How to track AI traffic in GA4
Understanding where your website traffic originates from in today’s data-driven marketing world is crucial for optimising your digital marketing campaigns and enhancing the user experiences of your visitors. While traditional analytics focus mostly on organic search and PPC advertising, there is a new kid on the block called ‘AI-driven traffic’. Probably there is no need…
Let’s do AI – How Artificial Intelligence is Amplifying Human and Also Marketing Ingenuity Today | Benchmark Search Conference 2018
Artificial intelligence (AI) already touches some form of your life every day. From smarter web searches to e-commerce recommendations to voice assistants – AI is integrated into how you live, work, and communicate in the world. It’s the standard by which you evaluate your digital interactions with brands – expecting that every touchpoint will be…
Will robots destroy us all? Putting ethical debate back into the narrative about the future of AI | SearchLeeds 2018
Who is Kristal Ireland? Kristal Ireland is an award-winning, strategic and experienced digital and technology expert. Experienced public speaker on all things digital and technology with a passion for AI and all things transformative. Previously voted as one of the UK’s Top 30 Women in Digital Under 30 by The Drum Magazine. A specialist in…