Category: Digital marketing
Who is the real you?
Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom. – Aristotle Well said, Mr Aristotle, but somehow the older I get, the less I know. As we grow old and change physically and mentally, it can be challenging to align our self-perception with our true identity. To add to this the world is constantly bombarding us…
Let’s respect each other!
It’s time to stop asking SEOs (Digital marketers) to work for free Digital marketers, especially SEOs, are a special breed. There is no other profession I know of who work for free. No taxi drivers, waiters, lawyers, accountant, or any other person with bills to pay works for free. But, that is what SEOs are…
Interview with Samar Mustafa – The Founder of TeamStack
Hi, guys. What’s up? And welcome to the Omi Show again. As CEOs or developers or digital marketers we all we always need a helping hand. Welcome to Team Stack. A community where developers and digital marketers can build their on-demand teams. Today I am joined by Mr. Samara Mustafa the founder of TeamStack. Samar:…
The State of Digital with Purna Virji
Purna Virji, Omi Sido and friends. Hangout on Air. Live from London Paddington – Microsoft Office. November 17, 18:00 UK time. Get inspired by new ideas and different ways of thinking about marketing. You may find it difficult to believe but soon it will be time to start preparing our digital marketing strategies for 2017.…
Semrush Tea Time with Omi Sido – Personal Branding
1. What’s personal branding and why it’s become ‘a thing’? In short, my understanding of personal branding is a storytelling. Consistent storytelling. I would like to start with a story. First, there was darkness. There was nothing. Then somebody created the Internet. And then Social Media. The idea about branding has long been connected to…
Starting a New Job
Starting a new job is never easy. Between meeting new colleagues and mastering new skills your first 4 weeks may leave you feeling tired and overloaded.To help ease some of this stress I’ve put together my top tips for your first 4 weeks. Week one Tips for your first day: Don’t show up late. Dress…
Say Thank You in a Video. Video Marketing and Your Business.
Everyone in the world wants to be acknowledged by sincere, honest ‘Thank you’. This small act of kindness is a powerful tool that is at our disposal at all times, so we have to start using it as often as we can. In all honesty, I don’t say ‘Thank you’ as often as I should…
Don’t you ever give up!
One day you will wake up and all your dreams will be a reality.The Powerhouse European SEO Gianluca Fiorelli opened his eyes on Thursday (May 19,2016) morning and his dream of a conference where knowledge flows like a river opened doors for the first time.Sleepless nights, cans of coffee and a sea of worries all…