Tag: The Sunday Talk
The Sunday Talk – It’s All About Love
Alexa, what’s the temperature today in London? In London, there is a flood alert in effect. The current weather is 2 ºC with clear skies and sun. Throughout the day you can expect more of the same with a high of 6 ºC and a low of 1 ºC. Hmm, I don’t remember such a…
The Sunday Talk – Merry Christmas Everybody!
Monday morning and I am going to a one-day course on Google Analytics. For those of you who texted me after The Sunday Talk, yes, as an SEO I do Google Analytics. In fact, I think I know it pretty well. But given a learning opportunity, I never say ‘No’ as I never ever think…
The Sunday Talk – Disrupt or Be Disrupted
These days it doesn’t really matter if I filming in the morning or in the evening. I would leave my house early in the morning and I’d go back home late at night. So it’s always dark anyway. It feels like I am constantly working. But then I guess if you are persistent you gonna…
The Sunday Talk – Bold Digital Marketing
Hi guys! It’s Monday again and I know a lot of you are down. So let me ask you a question. Do lions complain about Monday? No. they don’t. They are up early, chasing, biting. Reminding everybody that they are lions. Don’t just dream about success. New Monday. New week. New opportunities. Inspired by my…
The Sunday Talk – No hard work, no results
Monday Motivation Whether you like it or you don’t Mondays are part of our life. So instead of moaning about them let’s change the way we think about Mondays. Whatever you are trying to tell me I know that after the weekend you are full of energy. So why don’t you go and crush it…
The Sunday Talk – Motivation
This week after BrightonSEO last Friday – the peak of my speaking career – my motivation is kind of down. It’s normal in life that after reaching some of your goals your motivation may not be as high as you wanted it to be. But then in two-three weeks you gonna realise that there is…
The Sunday Talk – Connect To Your Customers On A Human Level
Hi, guys. It’s Monday again. It’s raining again and after working for seven days last week I am a bit tired. But do you see me complaining about it? Last week many of you started complaining about the new Google algorithm change called Fred or whatever. About the new Google algorithm rules but com on…
The Sunday Talk – Staying Human in a Digital World
Hi, guys. It’s Monday again and the first thing that comes to mind is. Monday is a good day to have a good day. Jokes aside, you task for this week. As digital marketers, you’ve got the power to publish epic content on Social Media. So this week I want you to act as publishers…
The Sunday Talk – The Human Factor in Digital Marketing
Hi, Guys. It’s Monday and I guess you are all going to work today. So let me tell you something. It’s easy to get comfortable with life, but when you get comfortable with the norm you don’t harvest the greatest results. So get a little bit uncomfortable this week with your Digital Marketing, with your…