Hi, guys.
It’s Monday again and the first thing that comes to mind is. Monday is a good day to have a good day.
Jokes aside, you task for this week.
As digital marketers, you’ve got the power to publish epic content on Social Media. So this week I want you to act as publishers and not as digital marketers.
A guy just asked me on Social Media. Hey Omi, what’s new with Digital Marketing in recent months?
My answer. EVERYTHING.
Yes, I stopped the car so I can talk to you. After last week’s Sunday Talk – which by the way is crushing it online – see content does work. A lot of pf people are asking me the same question. Ort basically not even asking me and just telling me “I don’t have anything to say online”. I have to ask you this question. So you started a company from nothing. You started employing people. You’ve created a product from nothing. And now you are telling me I’ve got nothing to say online. I just can’t believe you.
Anyway, say you really have nothing to say. Talk about your customers. And I will give you an example so you don’t say “Oh, Omi is just giving advice but nothing practical.”
Buy a cheap microphone. Go to one of your stores and start interviewing people.
And say a woman comes and she says I am a teacher. Just interview her. Don’t even mention your company.
I never said your content should be only about your company.
Just interview her. If she says I am a teacher just ask her “What are the most comfortable shoes? Just ask her. Talk about her day. Don’t even mention your company.
So if today you interview fifty people I’ve just given you articles for the next 3 months.
Talk about your customers. Engage them.
Hi, guys. Just coming back from the gym so I am quite pumped up. But I wanna give you a quick advice for your content marketing.
if you are good at something, do it. if you are not, outsource it.
I will give you an example. A lot of you a producing very good videos for YouTube. But as you are not good with images or Photoshop your thumbnail are not attractive. So if you are lucky enough and I am subscribed to your channel I would click on your new video. But if you are not – if I don’t know anything about you – I would just run away.
So if you are good at something, do it. If you are not, outsource it.
One thing I like about Saturday – I can wake up at 3 0’clock and I can jut go for coffee. One thing I hate about Saturday – I can wake up at 3 o’clock and the whole day is gone. Wasted.
But instead of complaining let me give you some ideas of how to write relevant and engaging content that your customers are probably talking about.
Many brands forget that Twitter is the place where people gonna go and share their pain. Issues they may have with different products.
So if you search for ‘My phone this or that function is not working properly’ or maybe ‘My shoe soles are too hard’ you gonna find the number of people tweeting about those issues and you can even search by location. You can even filter by location.
But say you are a shoe manufacturer and you did make those (shoe) soles hard on purpose. Now is the time to go and write an article about it. The reason you did it and probably the benefits of having soles that are hard.

On the other side, and this is the fun factor, you can go to Twitter and check all negative about your competitors. And again write articles about them. Say your competitor’s shoe soles are too soft. Now is the time to write an article about the benefits of having hard shoe soles.
I am not sure this is the best example but you get my drift.
Last but not least you can directly engage with people who are talking about your brand. And you can just say ‘Hey sorry for your bad experience. What can I do to help you?’
I wouldn’t try and sell them new shoes or give them a discount or something like that.
I would just simply say ‘Sorry for your experience. What can I do to help you next time?’
Alexa, what is content marketing.
Alexa: Content marketing is a form of marketing focused on creating, publishing and distributing content for a targeted audience online.
Did she just say ‘targeted? Because ‘targeted’ audience means you found them and you are communicating with them.
But how often do you really talk to your customers?
Because technology can show us the keywords they are using to come to our website. Technology can show us the devices they are using to come to our website. But technology cannot show us the emotional reason for them buying our product. And the emotional reason is the one that you have to capture in your advertising.
The emotional reason is the one that you have to capture in your copy.
Because at the end of the line there is always a human being.
Sorry, Alexa.
Guys, come back to this channel next week because you’ve got the problems and I’ve got the solutions.
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