How to Grow a Niche Audience Using Video Content

How to Grow a Niche Audience Using Video Content

How to Grow a Niche Audience Using Video Content

We all know that having a tightly focused business online that appeals to a small audience in a specific niche can be very rewarding (and indeed profitable). Getting to that point, however, is difficult.

Niche businesses online, almost by definition, aren’t very popular. They appeal to a specific subgroup of internet users, and that group can be very small. A site that’s all about using VoiceOver on the iPhone to help the elderly in their daily lives will not appeal to young people by default. So is a site about selling old vinyl discs.
These are the kinds of niche businesses that don’t have broad appeal. And it’s easy to disregard them as not as important, or not as successful, as more broadly focused sites that attract millions of readers.

But there is an important difference between the audiences at these sites.

Regular visitors to niche websites are more likely to be very committed to those sites.

Why? Because they answer exactly the questions that those people are asking or they sell the specific product searchers are looking for. Let’s go back to the selling old vinyl discs idea. If you regularly look for information on this topic, you might find only a few articles here and there on selling, buying or preserving old vinyl discs.

That direct appeal generates a lot of loyalty. And that’s why niche businesses are so important.

And then it comes video.

Some companies like Cisco predict that by the year 2021 almost 82% of all internet traffic will be video traffic.

It is very clear that people want someone to both show them and tell them the information they’re looking for, instead of having to read it.

Who is Lee Wilcox?

An enthusiast of all things tech and social media related – Lee Wilcox is the 33-year-old co-founder and CEO of On the Tools.
In the space of three years ‘On the Tools’ has become the biggest Construction Community in the world with over 2 million followers across their social media channels.
Lee Wilcox also consults for brands in the construction industry on their social media strategy.

Lee Wilcox at the Benchmark Search Conference
Lee Wilcox at the Benchmark Search Conference

“I’m a very work orientated person with a ‘healthy’ obsession of Social Media, a lover of technology and a keen interest in company culture and the ideology of having the right to an enjoyable workplace.

As CEO of On the Tools, I believe it to be my responsibility to ensure the happiness and welfare of everyone at the organisation. We have to spend so much time at work that it needs to be a place that people feel safe, trusted and valued. My mission is to create a culture and environment that people can flourish in and ultimately never feel that ‘Monday morning’ feeling ever again.”

Who’s behind Benchmark?

Located in North West England, Click Consult is a multi-award-winning search marketing agency with a focus on organic (SEO) and paid search (PPC). With over 70 professionals employed and a portfolio of over 60 clients from across the UK, Click Consult works with businesses looking for a measurable return from their search marketing budget.

Click Consult also provides a range of other services, including content marketing, inbound marketing and conversion rate optimisation (CRO), as well as international and multilingual search. The company is Google AdWords and Microsoft adExcellence certified and is on the Recommended Agency Register.

Events in Google Analytics 4


3 responses to “How to Grow a Niche Audience Using Video Content”

  1. […] customer’s pain points and answers their questions. This can include articles, infographics, videos, e-books and podcasts. The goal of content marketing is to provide the customer with valuable […]

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