The Sunday Talk – Social Media is Here to Stay

The Sunday Talk – Social Media is Here to Stay

Every time I’ve got a new client I would ask them the same question.
Exactly who are you targeting on Social Media?

Delivering constant quality across all social media platforms is the only way you can maintain and increase the number of your social media followers.

When it comes to Sushi Wasabi is always my only choice.
The main aim of online marketing is to know and understand your customer so well that your product or service sells itself.

It’s Friday. I am just coming back from work and I am a bit tired but I am thinking.
In this DNA and age if you don’t produce content like video, audio or text you are invisible. Your brand and your company are simply invisible.

So if you are too shy to do video go and do a podcast. Or if you are too shy to do a podcast go and do blog articles. But whatever you do produce content on a mass scale for all major social media platforms.

Saturday morning. I am still in bed drinking coffee and I am thinking ‘Oh my God. When is this working week gonna finish for me?’
I am going through my emails so I came up to this email from Ryan House (ZogDigital) – Ryan, thank you very much for your kind words – that basically says.

“Happy Monday. Just wanted to drop you a note and let you know I’m a huge fan of the articles and the content you’ve been publishing on LinkedIn.”
Four months ago I was the same guy. I had the same passion for SEO and Digital Marketing but nobody knew me. Four months ago I started intensively producing content LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook and the result is nowadays I’ve got a lot of people following me, emailing me, engaging with me. So I have to repeat my statement from last night.

If your company is not producing content for social media your brand, your company is invisible.

Social Media is the best way for you to connect to your targeted audience. Not only that it drives awareness and engage your audience but it also builds trust and long lasting loyalty through conversation.

I am just coming back from a breakfast with a client so my working week is officially over – Sunday 2 o’clock. After implementing some of my Social Media activities this client has seen 7% increase in sales for the last five months. Social Media is not the “new best thing”. Social Media has been here for quite a long time now and it’s here to stay.

Guys, I’m gonna go now a well-deserved pint of beer. But you do come back here next week cause you’ve got the problems and I’ve got the solutions.

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