The Sunday Talk – Take It Offline with Omi Sido

The Sunday Talk – Take It Offline

Today after work I am going to Brighton for the ‘Take It Offline” conference organized by Gerry White.

I’ve got the strange feeling that it’s gonna be fun.

I am hoping to see there the one and only Mr. Ammon Johns. One of the best Digital marketers in England.

Well, if I call him a digital marketer he would say I am an SEO. If I call him an SEO he would say I am a Digital marketer.
Shut up Ammon – you are a legend. You are a Legend.

So (Tristan – Purple Smudge) just give us an idea why should we come to your event next time?

Tristan Jarman: You should come to the “Take It Offline” digital marketing roundtable meetup because if you’ve got something to say this is the platform for it. If you wanna learn something or consume information or knowledge this is also the place for it.
Come along, enjoy.
Knowledge sharing.

You’ve heard the man, right?

It’s almost one o’clock and I just came back home. One hour and a half to go to Brighton and one hour and a half to come back. Bit it was worth it. We were talking about video. We were talking about voice search.
But you know what it’s not about the ideas or the knowledge.
It’s about the vision because ad digital marketers we work with a lot of numbers but behind the numbers, there are real human beings.

It’s Black Friday and I’m gonna be doing some Black Friday SEO. This is really the only day I can use ‘black’ and ‘SEO’ in one sentence legally.
On the other side, my head is still buzzing from the event last night.
Some of the ideas just got stacked to my brain.
Gerry, we should do it again man. Soon.

And now an SEO joke. What do you call an SEO expert who sells vans?
Danny Sellavan.

After a long week, hard working week we all want to go home, have a glass of wine, relax. But you personal branding cannot take a break.
Or do you think that during weekends people go t0 Social Media less often?

I don’t think so.

Have a good weekend, guys but keep on working.

Events in Google Analytics 4


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