The Sunday Talk - The Inbounder Conference

The Sunday Talk – The Inbounder Conference

Monday. Bank Holiday and today I am planning to do absolutely nothing. Why can’t we have 3 days off every single week?

On my way to The Inbounder. As usual, I am fashionably late. But then the weather is so nice. The summer is finally here.

Wednesday. The day after The Inbounder conference and before you ask me I’m gonna tell you. I truly and utterly enjoyed it. Great talks by great speakers like Gianluca Fiorelli. Olga Andrienko, Kirsty Hulse, Jono Alderson (watch his video here), Kelvin Newman was there. I will try and link all their slides in the description below.

The Inbounder SEO conference London

You know there are those conferences where you go, you sit and you drink coffee all day. And there are those conferences like The Inbounder where in a very short amount of time you get so much knowledge. One common tip everybody was giving ‘Know your customers. Understand your customers before starting optimising your website.”

The Inbounder Conference London

Before I forget Gianluca Fiorelli’s talk alone was worth going to this event.

Friday, and I am a little bit ill. One of those moments when sickness grounds you to your bed but I am still working. Always do your best. Of course, your best gonna be different from moment to moment. It will be different from when you are healthy opposed to when you are sick. But under any circumstance do your best and you gonna avoid a lot of self-judgment and regret in the future.

The Inbounder with David Iwanow

In about ten minutes I’m gonna be talking to Mr François Goube – the CEO of OnCrawl. We gonna be talking about technical SEO and something that I really really want everybody to understand –
Orphan pages.

So orphan pages are pages that are outside your internal linking structure.

Exactly, exactly. This is what I always try to explain to people. So basically if they are not linked from anywhere they will definitely have an effect on our SEO. What do you think is the effect of orphan pages on SEO? Let’s talk about it. Because this is the most important part of the understanding of what orphan pages are.

Yeah, you know we just talked about the crawl budget. And you ned to optimise and to get assured that Google is fetching your priority pages.
And you have priority pages – top priority pages – you want them to get a lot of link juice cause you want them to rank and you want the bot to crawl them very frequently. So you want Google to consider your money your most valuable pages. So this is very big – big issue to have orphan pages because you are wasting Google resources on pages that are obviously invaluable because if they are orphan there might be a good reason.

Just had a chat with François from OnCrawl and if I have to summarise our conversation: Not everybody is cut out to be a good web developer. Not everybody can write compelling copy. That being said content professionals have to understand that the success of their online projects is partially dependent on good technical execution. You have to gain a basic of technical SEO in order to avoid costly mistakes in the future.

Guys, what an exciting week. It started slow with a Bank Holiday and then just exploded with The Inbounder conference. Went down again – a little bit – as I was sick but then exploded again with online interviews and webinars.

Next week I’m gonna be temporarily redirected to Easter Europe as I am visiting the country of Bulgaria but you do subscribe to this channel and do come back here next Sunday cause you’ve got the problems and I’ve got the solutions.

The Inbounder London – links to all slides

Events in Google Analytics 4


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