Author: Omi Sido

  • Step-by-Step Guide to Link Google Analytics 4 to BigQuery

    How to link Google Analytics 4 to BigQuery? The ultimate guide.

    Google Analytics (GA) has long been the leading website analytics software available, and with good reason. The program provides detailed information on your site visitors and their interactions, offers a range of interactive features that enables you to analyse and quickly identify traffic patterns, ensures that the data is accurate and complete, and even allows…

  • Publishing Velocity and SEO

    Publishing Velocity and SEO

    What is Content Velocity?  Content velocity is the rate at which pages are created and published. The more original content you publish, the more likely your page will be seen as relevant by search engines.  Content velocity is based on the number of new pages that are published over a period of time. This metric…

  • The KPIs SEOs should work to

    Top SEO KPIs you should be tracking

    In today’s digital age, search engine optimisation (SEO) is an essential component of any business strategy. SEO helps to improve the visibility and ranking of a website in search engine results pages (SERPs), ultimately driving more traffic and potential buyers. However, optimising your website for search engines can be a daunting task, especially if you…

  • Customer centric product development

    Why do organizations win when they put users at the centre of product development?

    Ever since the Industrial Revolution, it has been an unspoken truth that businesses need to create products and services that they believe will be of use to their customers. And in order to do so, they need to understand what their customers need and want. Product teams strive to stay up to date with market…

  • How do you deal with Crawl Budget?

    How do you deal with Crawl Budget?

    What is Crawl Budget? Crawl Budget is the total number of pages on your site that search engine crawlers can crawl and index in a given amount of time. The higher the crawl budget you have, the more content you can rank for in the search engine results pages (SERPs). Content-rich websites with lots of…

  • Search Data – the force behind decision-making not just optimisation

    Search Data – the force behind decision-making not just optimisation

    Why it’s important to be data-driven Data is EVERYWHERE. You can collect it from your own site, get it from social networks, get it from other websites – there are limitless ways to find data to make informed decisions. But not everyone is tapping into the KEY benefits of data-driven decision making, so I’ll spell…

  • How Decisions Are Made

    How Decisions Are Made

    A Survey of 300+ Decision Makers From mobile banking to artificial intelligence, the products and services that businesses and consumers have at their disposal are better than ever before. The pace of innovation, and the accompanying increase in consumer expectations, is only escalating. In this environment, conducting exhaustive research studies and planning sessions in an…

  • Dimensions and metrics in Google Analytics 4

    Dimensions and metrics in Google Analytics 4 (GA4)

    What is Google Analytics?  One of the most popular ways to analyze your website’s performance is through Google Analytics. Google Analytics is a free tool that provides detailed statistics and reports about your website site’s traffic.  You can track things like site visitors, page views, and average time on site. Google Analytics also provides information about which…

  • Machine Learning is Revolutionising Digital Marketing

    Machine Learning is Revolutionising Digital Marketing

    Machine Learning (ML) is a subset of Artificial Intelligence that focuses on the development of computer programs that learn from experience. These programs can be self-learning, meaning they start with no knowledge and improve their intelligence as they collect more data. When it comes to digital marketing, Machine Learning is a term that has been…