SearchLeeds 2019
It’s Monday and I want to say something inspirational but then this week we are all going to SearchLeeds 2019. And what’s more inspirational than meeting talented digital marketers like Samantha Noble, Jennifer Hoffman gonna be there, Arianne Donoghue gonna be there, Kristal Ireland gonna be there. Hey, Jon Myers gonna be there. This Monday instead of waiting for the weekend we are all waiting to go to SearchLeeds 2019.
You know what? I’m gonna call this week’s Sunday Talk SearchLeeds Happiness. See you soon, guys.
On my way to SearchLeeds and I’m gonna be honest with you I hate waking up in the morning. I’m more like coffee and a muffin person.
The weather is so good today. Why don’t you come out, do some pushups and then you can go back home and have some barbecue chicken and spare pork ribs. It’s a win-win situation for all of us.
It’s so cold. The next morning. I am super tired and my whole body is aching. Yesterday I woke up around 5 O’Clock to go all the way up to Leeds. Came back around 10 O’Clock in the evening after not eating and standing most of the time all day. I was editing Britney Muller’s video till 1 O’Clock, answered some emails, well I went to bed around 3 O’Clock. 24 hours working day. Was it worth it? Man, Britney Muller, Jennifer Hoffman, Sam Noble delivered value. They made me so happy. SearchLeeds happiness.
Now it’s 7 O’Clock and I have to go to work.
I’ve always found that exercise is the one thing that makes me feel great, healthy and full of energy. I don’t feel as tired or lethargic when I exercise and it makes me happy and content in myself.
The Sunday Talk
Boom and just like that it’s Sunday again. If I have to summarise this week: I saw a lot of you, I talked to a lot f you and I am happy. Next week, actually tomorrow, I am interviewing Alexis Sanders on duplicate content and then I am off to Bordeaux – France for a two-day OnCrawl training. But you do come back next week cause you’ve got the questions and I’ve got the answers. Peace.
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